You have Spaghetti

You can play in portrait, but looks better in landscape. Reloading too many times breaks the game. If reloading brings you somewhere you should not be, reset the game then use the help buttons in the help tab

You are getting Spaghetti per second

These bugs are just a feature. Do not worry


You have autocooks

Your autocooks is cooking Spaghetti per second

You have nestea cans

Your nestea is somehow boosting your autocooks by ×

You have italians

your italians are making nestea per second

You have infinispaghetti

Your AutoAutocook is buying Autocooks per second

Your AutoNestea is buying Nestea cans per second

your position is (, )

you have X car

you have X light

you have Y car

you have Y light

you have Z

you have Eternispaghetti

you have factors

your factors boost previous layer gain by

you have quantum foam and quarks

your quantum foam boosts coordinate gain by



The game is autosaved every 5 seconds.


My incremental hub

These achievements dont really work and are just a progress check

Cook one plate of Spaghetti

Get an autocook

Get 5 autocooks

Get a can of nestea

Cook 10000 plates of Spaghetti

Get an italian

Get 5 cans of nestea

Cook 1e10 plates of Spaghetti

Cook one plate of Infinispaghetti

Get a paradox

Get 3 paradoxes

Get an X light

Cook 1e30 plates of Spaghetti

Get a Y light

Cook 1e7 plates of Infinispaghetti

Get 8 paradoxes

Cook one plate of Eternispaghetti

Get a factor

Unlock hydrogen

Cook 1e30 Infinispaghetti

Cook 1e100 plates of Spaghetti

Get a Z light

Get 40 factors

Cook too much infinispaghetti

Ascend to the metaverse

Get a prestige layer

Cook 100 Superspaghetti

Get a 5 in the lottery

Unlock theories

Reach prestige layer 1e6

Get a 50 in the lottery

Reach 5e3 plank lengths

Cook 1 Theoretical Spaghetti

Get 1e11 Superspaghetti

Complete challenge 1

Get 2 milestones

Reach prestige layer 1e10

Read all of the lore

Cook 1e3 Theoretical Spaghetti

Search for LÜÇÃŞ

getting currency

layer currency


resetting currency

layer currency

You have NaN pasta

you have Superspaghetti

You are in prestige layer

you have plate of poutine

Your poutine buff is and you have seconds left

You have Plank length and String multiplying prestige layer gain by

You have Theoretical spaghetti

Reach 3.000e3 theoretical Spaghetti

1 Theoretical Spaghetti
keep super upgrades 1, and 2

20 Theoretical Spaghetti
unlock accelerons and keep super upgrades 6, and 9

1000 Theoretical Spaghetti
keep super upgrades 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8

5.000e6 Theoretical Spaghetti
keep everything on theoretical

1.000e10 Theoretical Spaghetti
automate the lottery, Superspaghetti, [Redacted], and Theoretical Spaghetti

you are in challenge 1 (Hint: Use the enter key after clicking a button to click it really fast)

you are in challenge 2 (Hint: You can multitask and have offline time on certain devices)

you are in challenge 3 (Hint: You can enter multiple challenges at once and exit one without losing progress)

you are in challenge 4

you are in challenge 5

you are in challenge 6

(TS) Lucas works for john's company. He did not know how long He had after he found out the truth about cary and the government's file but the file, [REDACTED] found out if everything is a [REDACTED]. Cary made and used the [REDACTED] to try to get Lucas [REDACTED] the incremental.

(C) Cary is John's rival and they're both programmers. John's game, spaghetti the incremental has a piece of a file called government/topsecret.js. The file is not meant for anyone to see. It can be punishible by a life sentence in prison.

(P) Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti Im good. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is Lucas. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is Help. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti Me good. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is mario. Spaghetti is good. Spaghetti is good.